What Is A Sack of Love?

Our sacks will be anything that can hold the “love” that an individual or group needs. Something as simple as a paper bag with a bottle of water and some cookies, or lunches for school kids. Perhaps a foster child who needs a suitcase to carry their belongings. Backpacks for back to school, a Christmas stocking, a nice handbag with toiletries, a bag of undergarments. The list goes on and on friends.
How many times have you seen the homeless or person in need and you don’t necessarily want to give them money but want to help? If you had a sack of nonperishables in your car you could offer it to them. In 2023 we will be rolling out a new program where your donation gets you a sack or sacks that you can hand out when you see someone in need. Want to donate but don’t want the sacks? Don’t worry – our team of volunteers will be more than happy to hand them out for you!
As we grow, we will be adding different programs for giving. We can’t thank you enough for your support as we honor our Zachary. What’s good you ask? You, Zach Pressman – that’s what’s good! Along with everyone who supports and honors you each and every day!